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About SlobMomRehab

I’m Angela Yoshiko, the creator of Slob Mom Rehab. My goal of Slob Mom Rehab is to inspire and support neurodivergent ADHD moms with the complexity of motherhood. Despite potentially feeling like a slob at times, we are not lazy. Motherhood in general is insanely difficult, and with ADHD it can seem damn near impossible. I want all of us to start experimenting with ADHD Parenting Accommodations and ADHD hacks and strategies that can improve our experience. It might always be hard, but we can definitely soften the blow.

I don’t think any “one way” works for everyone. It’s all about trial and error, so don’t quit. Let go of what’s not working anymore and try something new.

Slob Mom Rehab: FIND and DO what works for YOU

Slob Mom Rehab - Angela Yoshiko

About Me, Angela Yoshiko

Hi, I’m Angela Yoshiko. I’m a complex human. I have ADHD. And a husband (20+ years together!). And 4 kids and work a full-time job (shout out to all the other breadwinner mamas out there!). I have some college degrees and another on the way. My mind is filled with an overwhelming flood of ideas and dreams, as well as a whole bunch of daily struggles. Throw in some childhood trauma and adoption. I’m part native Hawaiian and grew up in a Japanese-American family, so bring on the multicultural identity confusion.

My strength is over-researching and learning. I’m drawn to intense “fires” to put out so I can focus on something urgent. My favorite commuting activity is listening to podcasts, and I love finding, buying, and starting books. Together with my husband, we host a movie-related podcast. I have hEDS (Hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome) and bouts of chronic and random intense joint-related pain. My ADHD diagnosis came when I was 37, and as I learn more I’m discovering all the different ways our family is neurodivergent.

These are some parts of my identity that will likely show up in my work. I hate the phrase “stay in your lane” regarding topics and content because we are all allowed to be complex humans who are more than ONE thing. Please bring your full self to the experimentation of Slob Mom Rehab!

Do we have anything in common? Let me know! I’d love to hear from you.

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